Computerized analysis of hair is an easily applied, non-invasive, convenient repeatable method of hair evaluation.

Hair Analysis With Computer can help in:
- Type of hair loss can be determined.
- Degree of hair loss can be measured.
- Hair density can be calculated.
- Thickness of hair can be examined.
- Anagen and telogen hair rate in measurable phases.
- Infections over the scalp can be detected in early phases.
- Dandruff can be evaluated.
- Can differentiate between cicatricial and non cicatricial alopecias.
Hair loss is now one of the most common complaints of most of the teenagers and adults. What could be the reason for this? How can we overcome the scare of losing too much hair and going bald headed? Switch on your television, check a magazine or the daily newspaper, you could see a lot of products guaranteeing new hair growth and avoiding hair loss. Is it really possible? Does it make sense?
To get a tailor made treatment protocol for hair loss of each individual we perform computerised hair analysis before starting any treatment at our centre.